Inclusivity: Race and Ethnicity

To read the TMPC Statement of Inclusion, click here

In the summer of  2020 Thompson engaged in a 3 month long dialogue on race and faith following the death of George Floyd.  Many members of TMPC engaged in listening groups, used Christianity Today's Race and Faith series, read Latasha Morrison's Be the Bridge and committed to seeking ways to be a part of racial reconciliation in our world.  

MLK Day of Service

“Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve.”
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Jesus says that his greatest prayer is that “they may be one”. In our fractured world we are faced with vision and strife. Join us this year as we seek to be a united people who love God, love one another and serve the world.

On MLK Monday, January 16, 2023 we took action to care for those who are hurting, both in our community and around the world and we chose to grow, learn and listen to how to be a more unified people. Take a look at the video recap of this incredible day or fellowship, learning, and service!


Additionally, in the fall of 2020 Thompson hosted Life Together, a speaker series on Inclusivity and the Church. One of the speakers was Dr. Eric Barretto, a professor at Princeton Seminary and he gave a presentation on Inclusion and Race in the church.