
Thank you for your support of Thompson Memorial Presbyterian Church. Because of your generosity we are able to serve our community and provide a church home for you and many others. Thank you for answering the call to contribute to God’s work.

Log in to make a one-time or recurring gift using your credit/debit card or checking account:

2024 Stewardship Campaign

Living like Jesus is challenging. Whether in compassion, mercy, faithfulness, or prayer, emulating Jesus is a tall order. Giving sacrificially is another aspect of living like Jesus.

Our Stewardship Campaign Goals

  • Embrace giving as a spiritual practice

  • generate 122 pledges, including 90 adult pledges and 32 student and children pledges

  • Increase overall dollar pledges by 12.2%

  • Fund a total revenue budget of $862,500

Zelle to: using the Zelle app or your bank app. Please include your email in the comment section if you would like a receipt.

Other ways to give:

  1. You can use your personalized envelopes, or the envelopes available behind each pew, to contribute during one of our services.

  2. You can mail your donation to:
    Thompson Church
    1680 Aquetong Road
    New Hope, PA 18938

  3. You can contribute appreciated securities by contacting our church Treasurer: Sue Schaub, at 215/862-2440.

Thank you again for your support.


Apportionment (per capita) for 2023 is $32.00.  Every Presbyterian shares in the benefit of the PC(USA)'s system of government, so every adult member is asked to help defray the expenses associated with the Presbytery.  If you give using envelopes, you will find a Per Capita Apportionment envelope in your box; if you give on-line, you can make a one-time donation using the Apportionment category; or you may simply write a check made out to TMPC with "Apportionment" in the memo line.