
Below you will find resources that may be of interest to members and friends of Thompson Church.


Thompson Memorial is a part of the Presbytery Church (USA), a denomination of Protestant Christianity. As Presbyterians we adhere to a pattern of religious thought known as Reformed theology and a form of government that stresses the active, representational leadership of both ministers and church members. Learn more about the Presbyterian Church (USA).


Each Presbyterian Church belongs to a larger, regional body called the Presbytery, which is made up of churches from a particular region. We belong to the Presbytery of Philadelphia which is made up of 130 local churches. 


Click on the image above to learn more about the RCL from the Vanderbilt Divinity School.

Click on the image above to learn more about the RCL from the Vanderbilt Divinity School.

The Revised Common Lectionary is a resources which provides daily scripture readings and devotional material. The lectionary offers focused readings during special seasons and daily devotion and prayer for every day of the year.