What's Your Legacy
Understanding Planned Giving
Planned Giving involves critical support for our church separate and apart from our annual Stewardship Campaign. TMPC has an endowment fund that provides income to the church in perpetuity. There are many ways that you can plan your gift to the endowment fund. You can make a planned gift during your lifetime, or make a gift to Thompson in your will. These gifts provide a special opportunity for you to provide a gift of gratitude for what TMPC has done for you and your family and, at the same time, help ensure our Church’s vitality for the generations to come.
Thompson Church has been serving as a witness to Jesus Christ in our community and beyond for more than 200 years. This ministry was started by those who came before us who had a vision of how they could lay a foundation of faith for those who would follow. As you consider the impact TMPC has had on you, your family and our community, we hope you will help us maintain a vibrant and strong Church for the generations to come. This can be Your Legacy.